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Field Types

Boolean Field

The Boolean field represent a boolean (true/false) or a tiny integer (0/1).

import { Boolean } from 'adonis-cockpit/fields'

You can configure custom true/false values by using trueValue and falseValue.

import { Boolean } from 'adonis-cockpit/fields'

Email Field

The Email field is a simple Text field with email validation that display a mailto: link on the index and detail views.

import { Email } from 'adonis-cockpit/fields'

Password Field

The Password field displays a password input with a score.

import { Password } from 'adonis-cockpit/fields'

Select Field

The Select field creates a drop-down select in the form views. The options may be defined using the options method.

import { Select } from 'adonis-cockpit/fields'
Select.make('role').options(['admin', 'user', 'guest'])

You may define custom labels by passing a Record<string, string> to the options method.

import { Select } from 'adonis-cockpit/fields'
  admin: 'Admin',
  user: 'User',
  guest: 'Guest',

MultiSelect Field

The MultiSelect field is similar to the Select field but allows multiple values to be selected.

import { MultiSelect } from 'adonis-cockpit/fields'
  admin: 'Admin',
  user: 'User',
  guest: 'Guest',

Text Field

The Text field represents a string and displays a simple text input.

import { Text } from 'adonis-cockpit/fields'

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