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Injected data

To avoid Prop Drilling, Cockpit frontend relies a lot on Provide/Inject. Meaning that it is not necessary to pass down the data to every single component in the tree.


The provideResource function uses provide a resource to every children component in the tree.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { provideResource } from "adonis-cockpit/inertia";


The injectResource function uses inject to retrieve the provided resource. A best practice when creating a component that requires a resource is to accept an optional resource as a prop and if not provided, use the context.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { injectResource } from "adonis-cockpit/inertia";
import { InferSerializable } from "adonis-cockpit/types";
import { BaseResource } from "adonis-cockpit";
const props = defineProps<{
  resource?: InferSerializable<BaseResource>;
const resource = props.resource ?? injectResource(resource);

This function will error if there is no resource provided.




<CreateButton />

The CreateButton displays a link to the create view.

// Use the provided resource
<CreateButton />
// With a specific resource
<CreateButton :resource="resource" />

<DeleteButton />

The DeleteButton displays a button for deleting a resource with a confirmation dialog.

// Use the provided resource
<DeleteButton recordId="34" />
// With a specific resource
<DeleteButton :resource="resource" recordId="97" />

<IndexButton />

The IndexButton displays a link to the index view.

// Use the provided resource
<IndexButton />
// With a specific resource
<IndexButton :resource="resource" />

<EditButton />

The EditButton displays a link to the edit view of a record.

// Use the provided resource
<EditButton recordId="98" />
// With a specific resource
<EditButton :resource="resource" recordId="76" />

<ActionsMenu />

The ActionMenu component displays a button to open a menu that list the available actions for the resource. You must provide a list of records for it to be shown.

// Use the provided resource
<ActionsMenu :records="records" />
// With a specific resource
<ActionsMenu :resource="resource" :records="records" />

<ResourceForm />

The ResourceForm component is used to display an "edit" or "create" form of a resource.

  • action: Either create or update
  • data: The initial data of the form
// Uses the provided resource
<ResourceForm action="create" />
<ResourceForm action="edit" :data="record" />
// With a specific resource
<ResourceForm :resource="resource" action="create" />
<ResourceForm :resource="resource" action="update" />

<ResourceDetail />

<ResourcePeek />

<ResourceTable />



The useResource composable is a utility to manage resources.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useResource } from "adonis-cockpit/inertia";
const resource = useResource();
async function handleCreate() {
  await resource.create({ title: "Hello" });
  <button @click="handleCreate">Create {{ resource.label }}</button>


Adonis Cockpit brings some type utils to improve the developer experience on the frontend.

