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Allow bypassing maintenance

When providing a secret using the --secret flag you can bypass the maintenance mode by accessing the url https://<mysite>/<secret>.

node ace maintenance:down --secret <secret>

You will be redirected with a cookie containing the hash of the secret. Consequent requests will bypass the maintenance.

Rendering a custom maintenance page

To render a custom maintenance page you must have Edge.js installed and use the --template flag.

node ace maintenance:down --template <template>

To limit runtime execution during maintenance mode, the template is prerendered when activating maintenance.

Redirect users

You can redirect users to a different url by using the --redirect flag.

node ace maintenance:down --redirect /maintenance

Refresh and retry

You can configure the Refresh and Retry headers using the --refresh and --retry flags.

node ace maintenance:down --retry 30 --refresh 30
The retry value is also passed to the template as retryAfter.

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