Friends Of AdonisFriends Of Adonis

Getting Started


Install and configure the package using the following command :

node ace add @foadonis/shopkeeper


Shopkeeper comes with a set of migrations to add serveral columns to your users table, a new subscriptions table to hold all of your customer's subscriptions and a subscription_items table for subscriptions with multiple prices.

You can run the migration with:

node ace migrations:run

Lastly, to ensure Shopkeeper properly handles all Stripe events, remember to configure Shopkeeper's webhook handling.


Billable Model

Before using Shopkeeper, add the Billable mixin to your billable model definition. Typically, this will be the User model. This trait provides various methods to allow you to perform common billing tasks, such as creating subscriptions, applying coupons, and updating payment method information:

import { compose } from '@adonisjs/core/helpers'
import { BaseModel } from '@adonisjs/lucid/orm'
import { Billable } from '@foadonis/shopkeeper/mixins'
export default class User extends compose(BaseModel, Billable) {}

In your Shopkeeper configuration file, define your User as the Customer model:

// title: config/shopkeeper.ts
import { defineConfig } from '@foadonis/shopkeeper'
export default defineConfig({
  customerModel: () => import('#models/user')

When using a model with a different name than User, make sure to change the table name in the generated migration.

API Keys

Next, you should configure your Stripe API keys in your application's .env file. You can retrieve your Stripe API keys from the Stripe control panel:


In production environment the STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET environment variable is mandatory as it secures the Stripe webhook endpoint.

Your first Checkout

The easiest way to get started with Stripe is by using the [](Stripe Checkout) feature.

Create a price

To start selling you must create a new price in Stripe. want to try the implementation

If you have the Stripe CLI you can simply run the following command.

stripe prices create  \
  --currency=usd \
  --unit-amount=1000 \
  -d "recurring[interval]"=month \
  -d "product_data[name]"="Gold Plan"```

Redirect to the Checkout

Let's now create a route to redirect our user to the Stripe Checkout page for the price we just created.

router.get('/checkout', ({ auth }) => {
  const user = await auth.getUserOrFail()
  const checkout = await user.checkout('price_xxxxxxx')

Handle redirect

When a customer visits this route they will be redirected to Stripe's Checkout page. By default, when a user successfully completes or cancels a purchase they will be redirected to your home route location, but you may specify custom callback URLs using the success_url and cancel_url options:

router.get('/', async ({ auth, response }) => {
  const user = auth.getUserOrFail()
  const checkout = await user.checkout('price_xxxxxxx', {
    success_url: route('checkout.success'),
    cancel_url: route('checkout.cancel'),
  .get('/success', async ({ view }) => {
    return view.render('checkout/success')
  .get('/cancel', async ({ view }) => {
    return view.render('checkout/cancel')

Congratulation, you can now accept money and get your first customers!

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